Dear friends, family, and coworkers:
It is with much excitement that I tender my resignation
immediately. I have enjoyed my career as a pharmacist immensely, but recent
world events have taught me at least one important lesson: most of the four
thousand something unique pharmaceutical entities available in this country are
not that effective for their intended uses.
In case you haven’t been keeping up
with the news, there’s been some evidence that a previously unknown,
untreatable virus has been slowly making its way to our island paradise. As a
former pharmacist, there is nothing worse than an untreatable disease. And of
course, this virus could not have arrived at a worse time for Nico, who had
recently settled into a new position teaching Maui’s youth. How will she cope with being cooped up with her own misbehaving children instead of everyone
else’s? The same way she copes with everything else: By sewing and fulfilling
an important community need.

Please get your orders in quickly. Due to extreme demand, we
are anticipating material and medication shortages in the near future.