In case any law enforcement types are reading my blog, this post (like most of what you will read on is pure fiction.
When I found out it was going to cost over $5000 (NZ) to take our fish with us, I began to frantically search for a new home for Mr. Suckerfish, our 13 inch plecostomus (during my search, I found out that he is in fact, not a plecostomus, but a Pterygoplichthys). I tried donating him to aquariums, zoos, people who work at zoos who say things like: "I'd love a 13 inch fish". Eventually, I came across the Sepulveda Wildlife Basin. Evidently, people starting liberating their plecos in this lake 20 or 30 years ago, and there's now a reproducing colony of them.
I knew he'd be safe when I saw the "No Fishing" sign. Also, the 4 other giant plecos sunning themselves on that ramp was a good indicator.

Although getting him into the 1 gallon transporter involved more splashing than I ever hope to see a fish do again, he was not in a hurry to leave it when given the opportunity.

Eventually (with a little coaxing), he swam off into the deep. You were a good fish, Mr. Suckerfish. We hope to see you again sometime. Enjoy your new home.
PS: Anybody need 3 clown loaches?