I am certain I will be getting in trouble over this...
I have been told that the key to effective management is to have absolutely no sense of humor; the risk of making any sort of joke is that some (or most) of your coworkers (anyone know a word for people you are, sort of,
temporarily supervising?) will take everything you say seriously...most likely because they either 1) have no ability to recognize a jest, or 2) are accustomed to very stoic bosses.
P.S. Coworkers (and management): before you get offended by anything I have just written, I was not attempting to insult
anyone's lack of a funny bone. The above post was meant as an explanation to the
Mrs. about why I will likely never be running a large (or even small) company.
Lasko, Michael B
Sent: Tuesday, September 11, 2007 7:57 AM
xxxxxSubject: RE:
My standard spiel starts off with telling them that most drugs are no longer manufactured in the US. I explain that the facilities, manufacturing process, and drugs are all FDA approved/inspected. If they are still concerned (which is everybody who bothered to call in the first place), I let them know that we do keep track of all the lot numbers that go through are pharmacy, so we’ll be able to alert them to any problems that might arise.
After that, my choices are:
1) Recommend they contact their congressman (or FDA) to complain
2) Imply that they are racist
3) Explain the many benefits of Indian produced drugs (such as lower risk of mad cow disease).
xxxxxSent: Tuesday, September 11, 2007 7:49 AM
Lasko, Michael B
Subject: Hi
LaskoWhat do you tell
pts who have issues with the
manuf Aurobindo which is based in India?
xxxxx xxxxxxx,
Pharm D.
Rx Solutions
Consultant Pharmacist