One of the best things about Hawke's Bay: winery restaurants. Napa Valley has a few, but they are mostly too expensive to eat at; or at least they were when we lived there. Hawke's Bay has dozens. Unfortunately, they have become a little more posh in recent years, but none are particularly outrageous...unless you get carried away on the wine.
Friday night, we bicycled to Clearview Estates for their very first "Affordable Friday". Nothing over $20 on the menu, wine at less than their normal retail price (which is even cheaper than the normal restaurant price), and Rooster's beer on tap. Here's a picture of me near the guitarist, who kept asking if we had any requests. "The lady would like to hear Paul Simon," said I. "I'm only playing Leonard Cohen tonight," replied the guitarist.
Yesterday was opening day at the sailing club.
I'm racing on Big Bird again this year. Ian, Mathew, and Alan pictured here. Alan claims I took this same photo last year, and wanted to know if he had more gray hair this year. To the left of Mathew's head is the old hospital. Our house is just down the street; sadly it cannot be seen from the water.
In case you were interested, here's a better shot of the hospital.
And here's a boat that we appear to be ahead of...