1) "I am unchanged!" in response to a long winded speech from Tom Delonge of Angels and Airwaves, formerly of Blink 182. The speech looked something like this: "I love the idea that there's 15,000 people here tonight. Some of which are gonna go home and their friends will ask you, 'How was the show?' and you'll say, 'It was pretty fucking good.' There's a different part of you, a different group that will go home and your friends will say, 'How was the show?' You'll say, 'I was too drunk, I didn't fucking care.' There's one last group of you that will go home and you'll say, 'I joined a gigantic group of people with that one band called Angels & Airaves to feel something special, to do something different with my life'. It might happen, it might not. It's up to you, to pretend, that you're better than yourself."
2) "Play the theme from Ed!" when Dave Grohl (of the Foo Fighters) appeared with an acoustic guitar as the surprise mystery guest. Actually, I liked the theme from season 2 better than the Foo Fighters song. As an aside, all Foo Fighters songs sound better on an acoustic guitar (without a band).
3) "I want that job"...Damien "Jr. Gong" Marley had a guy waiving a Jamaican Flag through his entire set. Damien Marley talks about his father a lot. Here's a picture from some other concert:
4) "My butt hurts"...Nico and I biked 52 miles right before the concert. We're training for the American Diabetes Association Tour de Cure on May 20th. If you have not yet made a contribution, please click here. Sitting on the ground for 8 hours really hurts after a 52 mile bike ride.
I have a cool picture of all the trash that had piled up on the lawn during the show, but I evidently have pay for some software to get it off my phone (or pay to email it to myself). So you have to trust me when I say there was a lot of trash on the lawn. That's about it. Does anybody else think Matisyahu is a hoax?
Who the hell writes this thing?
Who the hell writes this thing?
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