
Sunday, December 29, 2019

10 Things I've accomplished in the last 10 years.

Facebook reminded me that I wrote this post exactly 10 years ago, so today seemed like a good time for an update.

1) Moved across an ocean (and then moved halfway back).

2) Held a baby for the first time. Yeah, that's right I hadn't held a baby before.

3) Became a citizen of New Zealand.

4) Had a few photographs published. I didn't get paid for them, or anything, but at least three people thought they were good enough to bother asking if they could use them. One of them is on this website.

5) Visited seven countries (though only four of them were new).

6) Qualified for the Boston Marathon (unfortunately I was a little too slow to be able to register that year and I'll probably never be that fast again).

7) Learned how to perform maintenance and a whole lot of repairs on an old Jeep.

8) Held down shockingly steady employment (especially compared to the last decade).

9) Taught two little girls how to bicycle.

10) Stayed married another 10 years.

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