Every serious beer drinker planning a trip to London will eventually happen upon the Bermondsey Beer Mile. Near as I can tell, the Bermondsey Beer mile exists because there's an elevated train dividing this area of London and if you were to patch up a hole between two of the supports for the elevated railway you would be left with a reasonably decent space to make beer [and except for the very frequent screeching noises from the above passing trains, a reasonably decent place to drink beer].
And that's how I stumbled across the London City Runners [I was going to write "literally" here because my kids say literally a lot and I thought it would be funny, but they don't read my blog and I was afraid I might tick off an English teacher friend or two. Apologies to my engineer friends who may already be offended with my discussion of railway arches in the previous paragraph]. Most appealing about the London City Runners (at least from their website): They don't just run drunkenly around the Beer Mile; they have a clubhouse/pub that might be open to the public. I'm not quite sure.
Unfortunately, I've been injured and haven't even attempted running in months. Do I show up at their pub and not run? Do I show up and run until it hurts, then walk back? Do I risk ruining the rest of the vacation by forcing myself through their shortest course, which my Strava now tells me was 7 km?
I gave up not trying to look like a tourist and shot hundreds of pictures during the run. Here are a few: