I'm from a city. Doesn't make any difference what city; all cities are alike.
Alternative title was: "What have the Romans ever done for us?"
Ruins are cool, and all, but I did not care much for Rome. Too much traffic and too much graffiti.
Florence also had too much traffic and too much graffiti...and too damn much pornography. Here's a picture I like to call: "Nico with giant naked man (with small penis)".
Small? I don't think it would fit in Nico's purse.
I could go on about the materials used and such, but my 'obvious meter' started blaring at me when I started to try.
So the woman leading our walking tour starts talking about how/why he was intentionally not made to scale (Hands are too big to accentuate his weapons, etc.); she also says something like: Michelangelo obviously was not making a Jewish David. So then I'm thinking: "Wow, they know that stereotype about us Jews all the way out in Italy?"
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