
Wednesday, January 17, 2007

They send you off to college, try to gain a little knowledge...

The NY Times article is far more interesting than the actual study.

Immunizations: More Education May Not Mean More Vaccination

Dr. Kronenfeld, a professor of sociology in the School of Social and Family Dynamics at Arizona State University, offered a possible explanation for the difference between the children of college graduates and those of mothers who had not graduated from high school. “There is a controversy among more educated mothers about the safety of certain kinds of immunization,” she said. “That may be part of what is going on here, but we don’t know for sure.”

College girls: if you want your children to die of the mumps instead of having a minuscule (probably non-existent) increased risk of autism, that is okay with me. However, if your children catch the mumps, that makes my (vaccinated) children more likely to catch the mumps. I don't even have children, but I still object.


Anonymous said...

Not to worry Lasko. The law (in California at least) requires 2 MMR vaccines prior to Kindergarten. So, just keep your children away from the home schooled kids and everything will be fine. Are you ever going to have kids ?

Anonymous said...

Wow. I don't let my mother post on my blog for this very reason.

Michael Lasko said...

Hmmmn, I don't think my mother is a regular reader...though she would probably know that kind of vaccine info (as a kindergarten teacher). I suspect that was my co-worker Josh, proud father of two.

Mrs. Nicole Lasko said...

What anonymous said is true, but you can obtain a religious or "conscientious" exception, so your kids don't have to get vaccinated. As a teacher exposed to this stuff, I strongly object!

I can also say that the schools aren't that great at keeping up with this. In my district, you have 30 days from the day of enrollment to provide your shot records. I suspect that the schools don't always follow up!

Anonymous said...

Wow. I had no idea there were such exceptions. You are right though, a lot of schools are not that good at keeping up with this. It depends on the school. Well, mostly it depends on the integrity of the school nurse. Much to my daughters chagrin, the school she attends in Anaheim (Running Springs Elementary) is very much on top of this.

Anonymous said...

OMG. I'm sending my kids to private schools. I need a million dollars.


Anonymous said...

A good talk about the "California Law" having kindergartener's getting vaccine's and supposedly a proud father of two doesn't mean he was "really caring" about the young children getting their shots. Might sound like a good input but not a caring person in the first place! thats my input! believe or not look behind the close doors!

Anonymous said...

A good talk about the "California Law" having kindergartener's getting vaccine's and supposedly a proud father of two doesn't mean he was "really caring" about the young children getting their shots. Might sound like a good input but not a caring person in the first place! thats my input!

Michael Lasko said...

Caring? Have you read anything on my blog? I am not the proud father of two, I am a proud member of the "me" generation. I think I'll turn off the anonymous comments...